
Tinypng offline
Tinypng offline

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When managing wbesite, you can upload directly your images and let an image compression do the work ot you can resize and compress images then send them online

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ImageOptim is really easy to use compression tool, as you can see this is not a traditional compression tool for website, neither an online compression but a software to install on your machine. So what is the trouble when we are trying to save storage space? The quality of the images, in the past we had to sacrifice the image quality just to save a little space… But no more! In this post, we are going to list the top 5 on imagen compression tools: Using a compression tool is one of the best options when you are managing a website because as everybody knows, the media could be a real headache due to the storage space they occupy and it can be a good reason for clients to just go out from your site, to be honest, nobody wants to wait minutes just to load one image in this era.

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